How to use ActionBarSherlock with Custom Design

In this post I will share, How to use ActionBarSherlock in your Android Project with custom Action Bar Design. I must upload a video about how to do this. Trust Me !!

Benefits of ActionBarSherlock
  1. This allows you to easily develop an application with an action bar for every version of Android from 2.x and up

  1. Download ActionBarSherlock library from .
  2. import this library to Eclipse.
  3. Create a new Android Project & Add ActionBarSherlock library from Project Property.
  4. In your Activity class, extends SherlockActivity in stead of Activity as parent class.
  5. Now, You can create custom Action Bar Design by using  website. (Google Chrome is preferred for designing)
  6. Download your custom design & paste it to the project.
  7. Set Application theme to this new custom theme in manifest file.Ex -android:theme = "@style/Theme.Androidinside" .
  8. Now test Emulator or Real Device Android 2.x & Plus . You see same design for each. Enjoy !!!